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Summer Programs
The Foundation for
Lifelong Learning
At MCS, our elementary program is divided into two phases: lower elementary, which focuses on grades 1-3, and upper elementary, which focuses on grades 4-6.
Both phases offer a unique blend of individualized instruction and collaborative learning to expand your child's potential. Teachers provide personalized guidance based on your child’s needs and pace at mastering core concepts. At the same time, group work and projects in our classrooms foster a community spirit where children of different ages work together, learning from one another and building invaluable collaboration skills
Engaging Curriculum for Holistic Development
Our curriculum goes beyond traditional methods, emphasizing abstract thinking and imaginative exploration. Montessori materials transform complex concepts into tangible experiences instead of dictation and memorization, helping students grasp and internalize knowledge deeply. Fundamental math and language skills are integrated into broader real-world applications, such as calculating distances on maps or researching geological formations.
This approach ensures that students understand the relevance of their studies in everyday life.
Building Self-Discipline and Creative Problem-Solving
We emphasize self-discipline and personal responsibility, encouraging students to make thoughtful choices and manage their learning experiences and work schedules. This fosters a sense of autonomy and inner discipline that serves them throughout their lives.
In today’s rapidly changing world, these skills plus creativity and adaptability are crucial. Our program equips children to face these challenges head-on, teaching them to seek answers from multiple sources and think creatively to solve problems.
At MCS, we empower children to shape their futures with confidence and grace, preparing them to embrace the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.
MCS Graduate Acceptance Rates
Lower Elementary Curriculum Highlights
Language Arts
Reading: Phonics; sight words; word attack; comprehension; vocabulary; beginning reading.
Writing: Mechanics; process of writing; exposure to different types of writing.
Grammar: Parts of speech; parts of a sentence.
Spelling. Handwriting. Dictionary skills.
Practical Math: The recognition and writing of symbols, whole number operations, recognition of quantity, Plane Geometry, Place Value, Word Problems, and fractions. Passage to decanomial.
Life skills: Telling time, knowledge of money, measurement, estimation.
History & Science
Geography: Physical geography; political geography.
Biology: Vertebrates; invertebrates; timeline of life; classification.
Botany: External parts; vital functions; classification.
Concept of time: Personal time; parts of a calendar; study of the universe.
Science: Experiments supporting various themes (i.e. universe, earth studies, etc.); physical science; simple chemistry.
Fundamental needs of people. Biomes study.
Appreciation of the arts; imaginative, creative, and critical thinking; an understanding and appreciation for the natural world.
Performing/reading music; creating music; listening to, describing, and valuing music. The learning process is based on the Orff Schulwerk philosophy of music education. For children who wish to have additional musical experiences, an after-school chorus program is available
Physical Education
Development and maintenance of physical fitness and good sportsmanship.
Awareness and management of the body.
Acquisition of functional physical skills, safety skills, and personal fitness habits. Enjoyment of wholesome recreation.
Non-competitive skill-building games, leading to participation in sports.
Personal Development
Goal-setting. Problem-solving.
Time management. Cooperative learning.
Personal responsibility. Peaceful conflict resolution.
Care of the natural world and the environment; responsibility to the community; multi-cultural awareness and appreciation
Development and implementation of practical life skills, independence, and personal responsibilities.
Upper Elementary Curriculum Highlights
Language Arts
Writing: Writing techniques and structure; basic editing; exposure to different types of writing; mechanics.
Grammar: Parts of speech; parts of a sentence.
Oral Communication: Public speaking; personal expression.
Reading: Comprehension; vocabulary.
Spelling. Drama. Handwriting. Literature.
Exposure to a variety of media and mediums through an open lab, and experimentation set-up.
Performing/reading music; creating music; listening to, describing, and valuing music. The learning process is based on the Orff Schulwerk philosophy of music education. For children who wish to have additional musical experiences, an after-school chorus program is available.
Physical Education
Practical Math: Whole number operations. Square roots; cube roots. Fractions. Plane geometry. Decimals. Word problems.
Passage to decanomial.
Life skills: Measurement; knowledge of money.
History & Science
History: Ancient civilizations, early humans; U.S. history.
Science: Human body; zoology; botany; physical science; chemistry; simple machines.
Geography: Physical geography; political geography. Study of systems and relationships with scientific principles.
Fundamental needs of people
Development and maintenance of physical fitness and good sportsmanship.
Awareness and management of the body. Acquisition of functional physical skills, safety skills, and personal fitness habits. Enjoyment of wholesome recreation.
Skills incorporated into non-competitive organized games and physical fitness.
Personal Development
Goal-setting. Problem-solving.
Time management. Cooperative learning.
Personal responsibility. Peaceful conflict resolution.
Care of the natural world and the environment; responsibility to the community; multi-cultural awareness and appreciation.
Development and implementation of practical life skills, independence, and personal responsibilities.